How to plant a fruit tree
Before you start digging a hole to plant your new fruit tree, it is very important to follow these basic steps.
1. Determine the best location for the tree based on drainage needs, full sun or shade needs, proper spacing for the tree, location of utilities. As as a general rule, most Fruit trees want good draining soil and full sun. 2. Before you dig a hole, call 811 to ensure you do not damage any underground gas, electrical, cable and/or water lines, 3. If you live in an area like Homestead where the ground is solid limestone, you will need to make a 3 feet wide by 3 feet deep hole (this enlarged hole will allow the tree's roots to grow easily for many years. Once the large hole is dug, place most of the broken rocks, sand, soil, fill, back in the hole. Leave enough space for the new tree's root ball to fit loosely in the hole. DO NOT BUY ANY POTTING MIX, BLACK DIRT OR COW MANURE FOR THE HOLE YOU JUST DUG. 4. Now that the hole is dug, you are ready to plant your fruit tree. Remove the black pot carefully so as not to damage the tree’s roots. Place 1-2 handfuls of fruit tree fertilizer in the bottom of the hole. Now place the root ball of the tree in the hole and fill in any remaining space with the leftover rock, sand and compact the material so the tree remains firmly in the ground. Water the root for several minutes so that any air pockets are removed. |